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You searched for: Tag: Life 11 months weight loss
    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 53 entries
Nov 2010
11:40 AM EDT

It's been WAY too long!!!

Ok, well I always get those e-mails that try to remind me to post or whatever but I never do it...haha, I'm retarded like that. Anyways, the other day I got an e-mail stating that it had been 11 months since I last posted...really? I didn't realize it had been so long but guess that makes sense since this year has really flown by! It's crazy! I cannot believe it's already close to the end of the year! Thanksgiving today! Gonna go over to my sisters house and have lunch over there. She and her girlfriend got married 2 months ago so that's great. They even went to Iowa...I think Iowa lol and got married. Her wife even changed her last name to Del Angel. It was a nice wedding they had...ok well anyways, Umm, what has been going on with me. Well I have continued to lose more weight and I am pretty happy with how far I have come. I am down to roughly about 205 - 210 pounds right now. Started at 315 so yeah, have come a very long way! I need to upload some more pics or if y'all like, y'all can just search martytx07 on youtube and find some of my video blog things. I am back in school...finally! I'm only taking two classes but it's better than nothing. Gotta keep the full time job and balancing school so yeah, a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Next semester thinking about taking 3, but not too sure yet. Gotta see if I can afford it...I'm starting to date more now so that's good too. Guess I got a small confidence boost after the weight loss. Umm, well anyways, gonna have to get going in a few so I will try to post something on here later. I really should attempt to write at least twice a month or something...think it's reasonable...but ehh, we will see lol.

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